Independent Report summarises Code Dispute Resolution cases during 2018

Carol Brady
The Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) – the independent organisation which administers the dispute resolution service on behalf of the Consumer Code for Home Builders – has published its report into the cases completed during 2018 which can be downloaded here:
Highlights include a 19% increase in the number of cases being registered with the independent scheme compared with 2017. Home buyers saw positive outcomes from their claims in 73% cases, and while many did not receive the full financial award sought, the adjudicator’s decisions were accepted by home buyers in 69% of cases.
One of the benefits of the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme is the speed with which cases are reviewed. In 2018, 75% cases were concluded within our aim of eight weeks. None exceeded the statutory limit of 90 days for an ADR scheme despite the introduction of an additional review step part way through the year to benefit consumers.
For more details, including a summary of some of the 2018 cases, download the report: