Consumer Specialist joins CCHB Board

The Consumer Code for Home Builders has appointed consumer specialist, Claire Whyley to its Board of Directors.
Claire is a highly experienced consumer research and policy professional, specialising in consumer needs, decision-making and outcomes across a wide range of markets. She brings particular expertise in outcomes-focussed regulation and consumer vulnerability, and is a member of the Competition and Markets Authority Panel.
The Consumer Code for Home Builders sets requirements that builders* must meet in the marketing, selling and after sales service associated with new-build homes. The Code also provides an Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme giving consumers free access to redress should they need it, as well as compliance monitoring and sanctions to help improve customer service standards across the industry.
Claire’s appointment follows an independent review of the Code which recommended that consumer representation on the Code’s Board be further strengthened. She joins fellow board members, who represent the building industry and consumer groups, in driving forward continuous improvement in customer protection and service in the home building industry.
Noel Hunter OBE, Code Chair, said: “Claire’s appointment comes at a crucial time for the Code, as we implement our revised edition to strengthen consumer protection and look to extend awareness of the protection available to home buyers. Claire’s extensive experience in consumer policy and regulation will be a huge asset to our team.”
Claire Whyley said: “I’m delighted to be joining the Consumer Code for Home Builders. Buying a home is complex – and likely to be the most significant purchase any of us will make. Although new-build homes bring significant benefits, there can be greater challenges too, particularly when buying in the early stage of a development. The Code has a vital role to play in making those transactions as transparent, fair, and accessible as possible and I look forward to bringing my experience to bear on our approach.”
The Code’s Board is responsible for operating the Consumer Code Scheme which is supported by the four main UK warranty bodies, NHBC, LABC Warranty, Checkmate (Lockton Companies LLP), and Premier Guarantee. The Board is supported by a broad industry and consumer Advisory Forum. The Board includes representatives from the supporting warranty bodies, Citizens Advice and CTSI, and is independently chaired by Noel Hunter OBE.
*Builders operating under one of the Code’s supporting warranty bodies must comply with the Consumer Code for Home Builders unless they have opted to join a different code scheme.