Have your say on strengthening consumer protection for buyers of new build homes
Carol Brady
The Consumer Code for Home Builders has launched an independent review, chaired by John Bridgeman CBE, former Director General of the Office of Fair Trading (OFT). The review will look at ways to improve consumer protection in the buying and selling of new-build homes and seeks views from all those affected including home builders, consumers and consumer groups, estate agents, and conveyancers.
Share your views by completing the Code Review questionnaire
The Consumer Code covers 95% of all new build homes, providing vital support and protection for consumers during what is often their largest purchase. The review will assess where the Code could be updated in line with other major codes to offer a consistent approach for consumers, as well as considering further opportunities to strengthen consumer redress. This could include an increase in the maximum amount that can be claimed and extending the scope to cover quality, or ‘snagging’, issues which are the most common cause of complaints from home buyers.
John Bridgeman CBE, former Director General of the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), has been appointed to oversee a consumer-focused review that will ensure the Code remains fit for purpose and provides home buyers with appropriate, and consistent, support and redress. John is an expert in regulation and consumer protection, having served two terms on the Monopolies and Mergers Commission, and launched a major national initiative on Code of Practice-based self-regulation during his time at the OFT.
The 2022 review will be the fifth update since the Code was launched in 2010. It has been delayed to take account of government plans to adopt a single, statutory code and New Homes Ombudsman. However, recent developments indicate that the Consumer Code for Homebuilders will continue to be a leading Code for some time to come, hence the need to ensure it is providing appropriate redress in response to changing needs.
To have your say on how the Code should be developed, visit: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Code-Review-22-b
The closing date is 16th September 2022