Site Audits to restart to help developers comply with the Consumer Code

Independent site audits to review compliance with the Consumer Code for Home Builders will restart this week following a pause during the national lockdown earlier in the year. The audits will be conducted via virtual meetings to avoid unnecessary contact during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Independent site audits are carried out by former Trading Standards specialists from Quincetree Ltd. The aim is to help sites comply with the 19 Requirements set out in the Code by assessing local teams’ knowledge of and adherence to the Code and providing constructive feedback on any gaps which need addressing. Read our compliance auditing leaflet for details.
Independent site audits have been carried out for over two years but were suspended in March 2020 due to the lockdown. The Code is now piloting a new approach using virtual meetings to allow this essential activity to take place.
Sites that have previously taken part in an audit have found the experience helpful in identifying what they do well as well as identifying areas to improve, which will enhance the service they provide to buyers and reduce the risk of complaints. Learnings from previous compliance monitoring – including self-assessment – are covered in our Benefitting from Code Monitoring leaflet.
Sites across the UK will be chosen at random for a virtual audit. If your site is selected, your sales office or agent will be contacted by a member of Quincetree Ltd to book a virtual meeting. The sessions are expected to take approximately an hour and there is no need to prepare anything in advance. However, it will be helpful to have to hand the paperwork that is used when reserving a property; as well as information about any training your team has had on the Code; policies on H&S; and after-sales care.
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