What training is available?

Top tips for sales agents

Using the Code in your marketing
If you currently sell new homes on behalf of one of the thousands of builders signed up to the Code through their registration with the home warranty bodies, then you can apply to undertake the free on-line training on how to comply with the Code requirements.
The revised edition of the Code – the fifth edition – applies to new homes reserved from 1 January 2024. The previous, fourth edition, applies to homes reserved up to 31 December 2023 and will remain in force for those homes until two years after legal completion. During this transition phase, two courses are available to cover both versions of the Code.
Checklists also freely available to help home builders and estate agents comply with the requirements of the Code (fourth and fifth editions): Consumer Code Compliance Checklists for builders and sales agents
Online training courses
We provide free on-line learning courses for estate agents who work for home builders registered with one of the home warranty bodies that support the Code. Staff from affiliated companies will need details of the registered home builder (including their registration number if appropriate) that they are working for when registering for the course.
The courses are designed for staff who need to have an understanding of the Code.
Two courses are available to cover the fourth and fifth editions of the Code. Each course takes no longer than an hour to complete and is a process of individual learning and self-accreditation.
A unique feature of the training is the marriage of training about the Code requirements with training about Consumer Protection Regulations, which apply to property transactions and which have a clear synergy with the Code.
Please click on the link below to access and run the courses.