
We’ve updated our suite of factsheets about learning from complaints to help home builders comply with the Code.

Having received the updated Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme (IDRS) report for 2020 from the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, combined with the latest case histories from 2020/21, we’ve highlighted some additional learning points and examples to help reduce future breaches of the Code. 

In its latest report, CEDR identified five Code Requirements that were the most breached in 2020, four of which were also listed as common breaches last year. On a positive note, the number of breaches relating to the home builder’s duty to provide enough pre-purchase information to help home buyers make a suitably informed purchasing decision has fallen significantly, from 60% to 32%. There has also been a positive drop in the number of breaches relating to Section 1.5, that sales and marketing material must be clear and truthful – from 25% in 2019, to 16% in 2020. However, CEDR noted a rise 7% in breaches relating to the home builder’s duty to provide appropriate procedures for handling calls and complaints, while 11% of breaches related to reimbursement of Reservation fees (Section 2.6).

Sharing some of the key learnings from the adjudicators’ findings is just one of the ways the Consumer Code is working with home builders to raise standards and help home buyers receive good quality customer service. Find out more about our learning resources for home builders here:

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